Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100 +30 25511 81093

"Elevate Greece" National Registry start-up support for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic (2nd cycle)

Strengthening the entrepreneurship and liquidity of start-ups/innovative SMEs (operating in Smart Specialisation-RIS3 sectors) of the National Registry of Start-ups "Elevate Greece", under the adverse conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, which was exacerbated by the prolonged outbreak of the disease in the affected CDCs. The aid will take the form of a non-repayable grant (working capital) to ensure that the businesses remain viable and that no jobs are lost.

Who is targeted
Innovative start-up SMEs that are registered in the National Register of Start-ups/Elevate Greece, 

Submission period
from 22/6/2022 to 31/10/2022 (15:00)

The application for funding is to be submitted electronically in the State Aid Information System (SIPS) provided by the Ministry of Development and Investment at with the indication: 'Support to National Registry Start-ups "Elevate Greece" for the response to the pandemic COVID-19 - Cycle B'.

Type of aid
Grant / Subsidy

Area of application
All Greece

Terms and conditions
Enterprises must, inter alia, meet the following conditions: they must be registered in ... 

What is funded
The public funding covers Working Capital up to 80% of the company's costs for the reference year (2020 or 2021) with a minimum grant of EUR 5,000 and a maximum of EUR 100,000.

Beneficiaries select the year in which they incurred the highest Working Capital costs, namely 2020 or 2021, on which the requested grant amount will be calculated.

The grant for beneficiary companies with costs equal to or above EUR 125 000 will be EUR 100 000.

No aid will be granted to enterprises if the result of the audit shows that the sum of the costs is less than EUR 6 250.

The amounts on which the exact amount of the subsidy will be calculated are obtained by adding together: Purchases of Consumables (code 102) Purchases of Materials and Consumables (code 202) Total Employee Benefits (excluding those employed in agri-organic activities) (codes 181, 281, 481) Miscellaneous Operating Expenditure (codes 185, 285, 485).

The registered enterprises that were financed under the Decision No 1729/262/A2/16.03.2021 (ID: O88346MTLP-OHY), as amended and in force, may receive support from both calls for proposals up to a maximum total amount of EUR 100 000. A single enterprise may not be supported under both calls for proposals for the same reference year, i.e. 2020.

€ 34.000.000

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Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100

+30 25511 81093

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