Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100 +30 25511 81093

Modernisation of the primary sector

Addressed to: Businesses
Addressed Specifically to:

The action "Economic transformation of the agricultural sector" (ID 16626) aims to increase the added value of agricultural products, promote innovation and protect the environment. In addition, it aims to create food supply chains by exploiting tourism, to develop innovative and environmentally friendly mass production processes and to promote extroversion on international markets.


Beneficiaries may be legal persons belonging either to SMEs or to large enterprises, subject to the specific provisions of the applicable specific article of the GATS and of Reg. 702/2014, who keep simple and/or double-entry books, are entered in the respective compulsory registers and, on the date of submission of the aid application, fulfil one of the following conditions:

α) They are Producer Groups (PGs), Producer Organisations (POs), Associations of Producer Organisations and Agricultural Cooperatives (ACs), Agricultural Cooperative Partnerships (ACPs) and Public Limited Companies whose majority of shares belong to Agricultural Cooperatives under Law No. 4673/2020 "Agricultural Cooperatives and other provisions".

b) They are Social Cooperative Enterprises of Law. 4430/2016 and companies under commercial law, except those of the above case a), which: apply contract farming under terms, conditions and restrictions.

c) They are Social Cooperative Enterprises of Law no. 4430/2016 and companies under commercial law, except those of case a), which have an annual degree of vertical integration, utilizing self-produced agricultural products, at least 40% of the value of the agricultural product used as raw material.

d) Beneficiaries may also be legal entities in the process of being set up which complete the procedures for setting up before the individual decision approving the aid is taken

Persons operating under the form of a company under civil law, with the exception of social cooperatives and consortia, may not be considered eligible.

Eligible expenditure (in summary)

Investment in tangible and intangible assets is eligible, provided that the conditions laid down in the relevant article of the GAC are met in each case. The investment must be reasonably priced and must be documented in a clear, specific and up-to-date manner in the economic and technical study submitted.

I. Regional aid expenditure as defined in the GER

a) construction and modernisation of immovable property.

b) landscaping

c) Vehicles with which the undertaking carries out transport of raw materials and products (finished and semi-finished) within the premises of the establishment (electric vehicles, zero CO2 emission vehicles, vehicles emitting less than 50g CO2/Km).

d) Purchase, transport and installation of equipment, including laboratory equipment to the extent that it serves the operation of the plant.

e) the acquisition of all the assets belonging to a closed business establishment acquired by an investor unrelated to the seller, excluding the simple acquisition of shares in an undertaking, subject to the following conditions

(f) expenditure on computer equipment for the computerisation of the undertaking

(g) expenditure on ensuring accessibility for disabled persons

h) Expenditure on the establishment and modernisation of distribution networks (logistic), subject to conditions

i) Intangible expenditure

II. Expenditure other than regional aid, as defined in the GAC

a) aid for consultancy services to SMEs

b) Aid for SME participation in trade fairs

c) Aid for innovation for SMEs

d) aid for vocational training

(e) Investment aid to enterprises for going beyond Union standards or for increasing environmental protection in the absence of Union standards

(f)Investment aid to promote the production of energy from renewable sources

III. Expenditure as defined in Reg. 702/2014

a) Aid to SMEs for investments in tangible or intangible assets in agricultural holdings linked to primary agricultural production

(b) Aid for measures to promote agricultural products

What is aided:

The limits of the requested budget for each funding application are as follows:

Size of enterprises  Minimum requested eligible budget   Maximum requested eligible budget 
Small Businesses 500.000,00 Euro 3.000.000,00 Euro
Big Businesses 1.000.000,00 Euro 10.000.000,00 Euro

Total Budget: €98.111.000,00
Fund Budget: €98.111.000,00

Opening of Applications: 30/08/2022
Closing of Applications: 30/09/2022

Geographical Area: Greece
Website for publication of the call for proposals:

Applications Submission: Electronic submission of applications to the Single Digital Public Portal - - in the section Agriculture and Livestock / Agricultural Entrepreneurship , using Taxisnet codes
Pillar: 1. Green Transition
Axis: 4.6 Modernising and improving the resilience of the country's main economic sectors
Action: 4.6.21 (16626) Transformation in the agricultural sector

Contact us

Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100

+30 25511 81093

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