Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100 +30 25511 81093

Digital preservation of the ERT archive

Digital preservation of the documents of ERT's archive, with the aim of expanding the extroversion of its digital audiovisual archive, as well as enriching its available digital cultural heritage, through the preservation, retrieval, documentation and digitization of a large part of its archive. Under the action, ERT will be able to:

  • digitise collections in its possession to a high standard
  • document the material which it holds in its possession to a high standard.
  • provide a structure for indexing - cataloguing, storage and disposal of the digital collection
  • create digital applications through which all the digitised material can be consulted and documented in accordance with international standards.

Who it is addressed to

  • Hellenic Radio and Television (ERT SA)

Submission period
from 20/6/2022 to 31/8/2022

In the case of documents for which electronic attachment/submission is not technically feasible (e.g. maps, drawings, etc.), the beneficiary is required to send them to the 'SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE 'DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION' PROGRAMME' at the address 23-25 LEKKA 23-25, ATHENS 105 62, within 10 working days from the date of electronic submission of the proposal by the beneficiary.

Area of application
Region of Attica

What is funded
The following categories of expenditure are eligible:

  • Direct personnel costs
  • Direct publicity expenditure
  • Other third party fees

€ 5.000.000

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Contact us

Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100

+30 25511 81093

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