Provision of technical support services to the General Secretariat for Digital Policy (GGPSP) for the preparation of detailed technical specifications and a roadmap for the development of smart applications (Smart Cities). In particular, it is planned to design (indicatively) detailed technical specifications for applications - actions such as energy saving through smart street lighting, smart waste management, smart water management.
Who it is addressed to:
NSRF Executive Structure of the Technology, Information Technology and Communications Sector
Submission period:
from 2/4/2018 until budget exhaustion
The applicant beneficiary shall submit its proposal and the required supporting documents and supporting documentation exclusively through …
Addressed to: Citizens
Addressed Specifically to: Unemployed persons registered in the Unemployment Register of the D.Y.I.A. over 18 years old
Skills upgrading and retraining programmes for up to 80,000 unemployed beneficiaries in high demand sectors, with emphasis on digital and green skills, through face-to-face training and tele-training on theoretical training programmes of a total duration of 50 to 200 hours.
Objectives of Action:
The qualitative upgrading of the knowledge and skills of the unemployed through continuing vocational training programmes that respond to the needs of the economy, in order to enhance their employability and accelerate their reintegration into employment.
Beneficiaries: …
Support to the EOD of the OP of the Region of Attica in actions related to the fulfillment of the publicity obligations arising from the Publicity Plan (e.g. information to beneficiaries and public opinion, website content, newsletters, targeted publicity actions, dissemination of good practices, etc.). Specification of communication strategies and preparation of a publicity action plan.
Who it is addressed to
Unit C' of the Special Service for the Management of OPs of the Region of Attica
Submission period
from 5/7/2017 until budget exhaustion
The candidate Beneficiary shall submit its proposal and the required supporting documents and supporting documents exclusively …
Addressed to: Businesses
Specifically Addressed to: Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the information and communication sector
The Digital Product and Service Development Program supports investment projects for the development of new products and services in the information and communication sector.It will provide aid, in the form of grants, for the implementation of investment projects covering the entire cycle of digital product and service development (new product development) and including:
Preparatory activities (including but not limited to: market research, feasibility study, actions to acquire new knowledge and skills for the development of new products),
Activities to develop the new digital …
Addressed to: Businesses
Addressed Specifically to:
The action "Economic transformation of the agricultural sector" (ID 16626) aims to increase the added value of agricultural products, promote innovation and protect the environment. In addition, it aims to create food supply chains by exploiting tourism, to develop innovative and environmentally friendly mass production processes and to promote extroversion on international markets.
Beneficiaries may be legal persons belonging either to SMEs or to large enterprises, subject to the specific provisions of the applicable specific article of the GATS and of Reg. 702/2014, who keep simple and/or double-entry books, are entered in the …
Addressed to: Businesses
Addressed Specifically to:
The program supports SMEs through the provision of vouchers to be used for the acquisition, through purchase or lease, of new digital tools
The object/objective of the Action is:
- The modernisation of the productive, commercial and administrative functioning of enterprises
- The upgrading of the way of communication and cooperation and the introduction of new forms of hybrid workplace
- The digitalisation of electronic transactions with customers and partners, including e-commerce
- Increasing the level of security and trust in electronic transactions
Beneficiary businesses
An business eligible for aid under the program is a business belonging to …
Addressed to: Businesses
Specifically Addressed to: Small Businesses
The program supports SMEs operating in the Greek territory to adopt modern digital tools that support the invoicing, tax document handling and electronic payment processes.
Through the Programme, participating companies can be supported by the provision of vouchers for the purchase of digital tools, in order to implement one or more of the following categories of actions
- Category 1: EFT/POS replacement
- Category 2: Invoicing on the vehicle/transport of documents on the move
- Category 3: Receipt of electronic invoicing provider services
- Category 4: Upgrading of FTM & ADHME for interface with EFT/POS
- Category …
Addressed to : Businesses
Addressed Specifically to:
Existing and start-up SMEs and large enterprises A) Existing Legal Entities (SMEs and Large Enterprises) B) Under-established Legal Entities completing the incorporation procedures prior to the adoption of the individual decision approving the inclusion in the Sub-project. Natural persons and sole proprietorships are not eligible. The enterprises described above
The programme supports investment projects in the tourism sector which link the primary and secondary sectors with the tertiary sector, creating a new tourism product.
The aim is to increase the competitiveness and awareness of the products on the markets by placing them at …
Addressed to: Businesses
Addressed Specifically to: Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the eligible SGEIs of this Call.
Investment projects of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the Greek industrial ecosystem are supported to strengthen their technological infrastructure and upgrade their manufacturing equipment using smart cutting-edge technologies with low environmental impact.
Investment projects should aim at improving the resilience of the business through the upgrading of digital management and control systems for production, the supply of advanced and digitally controlled industrial equipment, the digitalisation of interconnection systems throughout the supply chain and the production of systems and technology …