Mazaraki 9, Alexandroupolis, 68100 +30 25511 81093

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The State Aid Package "GREEN TRANSITION of SMEs" of the Competitiveness Programme (NSRF 2021 - 2027) with a total budget of €700,000,000 aims to upgrade the country's SMEs.

It encourages investment projects that aim to exploit and develop modern technologies, to upgrade the products and/or services produced and their activities in general, by giving a premium to actions that exploit modern technologies, infrastructure and best practices in energy upgrading, circular economy and the adoption of clean energy sources.

Eligible costs of the Actions include inter alia: buildings, facilities and surrounding area, machinery - equipment, product certification, marketing costs, as …


Projects concerning the improvement of accessibility and the enhancement of the natural environment, as well as projects/actions supporting green tourism and ecotourism. Indicatively: Management measures to improve and ensure the good conservation status of habitats, ecotourism/green tourism projects such as routes - paths (improvement, cleaning, restoration and signage projects), soft configurations of stops and viewing points e.g. kiosks, benches, information signs etc.), integrated interventions to address potential problems (soil, surface water restoration from pollution), sediment management projects etc.

Who it is aimed at
Municipality of Gortynia

Submission period
from 2/6/2022 to 2/8/2022

Area of application
Region of Peloponnese

Municipality of …


The grant provided by the Action will help to ensure part of the liquidity required for the restart of local economic activities, as well as to ensure the continuation of the operation of businesses, indirectly supporting the preservation of jobs.

For each enterprise (distinct VAT number), the sum of the amounts in fields 581 (Employee benefits), 585 (Miscellaneous operating expenses) and 587 (Depreciation) of the 2019 E3 tax form is taken into account for the calculation of the proportional public funding as a lump sum. A horizontal percentage of 50% is applied to the above determined sum, which is the …


The services of the mechanism will be provided horizontally and free of charge to all businesses interested in operating in the intervention area of the action, following calls for expressions of interest, and will concern:

  • A needs assessment by business sector and a self-assessment tool.
  • Awareness-raising among enterprises to create a minimum level of quality in the provision of business services.
  • Creation of a set of quality criteria (indicatively, a set of quality criteria per sector will be prepared).
  • Online and distance personalised training of beneficiaries on how to fulfil the criteria.
  • Certification of the enterprise (indicatively indicated to be …


Development of services for the upgrading, support and diffusion of entrepreneurship in the Municipalities of South Attica, which will be addressed to existing / active businesses in the intervention area, aiming at upgrading their capacities, supporting the development of sustainable competitive advantages and strengthening them with emphasis on extroversion and opening to new markets. These services will be provided electronically and remotely by a team of dedicated consultants and experts.

Who is targeted
Directorate of Technical Projects & Development Programmes of Syndna - Department of Planning & Development

Submission period
from 26/4/2021 to 30/12/2022

In cases where it is not …


Α. Business Loans for the financing of investment projects (investment purpose) - Loan amount: 25.000 EUR to 1.500.000 EUR - Eligible costs: Expenditure on business investment projects which have not been implemented at the time of loan approval. - The investment projects may be implemented either under a State aid scheme or independently, subject to an approval decision by a banking institution. - Duration of repayment: 5 to 10 years with the possibility of a grace period of up to 36 months. - The loan is disbursed in one lump sum or in instalments within 24 months of the signing …


Start-ups and start-ups wishing to exploit a new idea will be selected following an assessment in order to be provided with specialised entrepreneurship services.These services will be provided in regular cycles throughout the year and will include: - Diagnosis of their needs for support. - A comprehensive basic support package targeted at all participants in each cycle, including in-depth information on specific entrepreneurship issues. - Provision of personalised advice (mentoring and coaching), based on the results of their needs diagnosis, from which they will be able to choose the services they will receive. Indicative examples include: market analysis, extroversion study, …


The services provided will be offered electronically and remotely, using a digital platform, offering the possibility to the businesses of South Attica, without financial or other compensation, for the following:

  • Supporting businesses (new or existing) for the production, supply and use of in-house technological solutions. The opportunity will be given through teleconferencing or digital collaborative tools to discuss issues related to, among others, digital signatures and their benefits for the business, business transactions and ICT, ways to reduce administrative costs through the introduction of IT systems and technologies, etc.
  • Supporting the uptake of ICT by enterprises - exploiting good practices …


Digital preservation of the documents of ERT's archive, with the aim of expanding the extroversion of its digital audiovisual archive, as well as enriching its available digital cultural heritage, through the preservation, retrieval, documentation and digitization of a large part of its archive. Under the action, ERT will be able to:

  • digitise collections in its possession to a high standard
  • document the material which it holds in its possession to a high standard.
  • provide a structure for indexing - cataloguing, storage and disposal of the digital collection
  • create digital applications through which all the digitised material can be consulted and …


Implementation of digital solutions including smart urban mobility and parking management, energy efficiency, sustainable housing solutions, digital municipal services provided through the Single Digital Public Portal and citizen-centric governance, as well as ensuring citizens' trust in these systems through the responsible use of data on digital platforms and ensuring quality, security and confidentiality.

Who it is aimed at
First-tier local authorities with a population of less than 100 000 inhabitants (315 municipalities in Annex A), and legal entities of the 315 municipalities in Annex A

Submission period
from 1/7/2022 to 31/10/2022

In cases of documents for which electronic attachment/submission …

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+30 25511 81093

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